

Ekirjan lukeminen tabletilla

E-books and e-audiobooks

The library e-book collection includes a varied selection of e-books and e-audiobooks for all ages.

You can read e-books or listen to e-audiobooks by downloading the E-kirjasto (E-library) app. Choose from the links below according to your device (Android or Apple):

Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store

Finnish magazines digital archive: online access

Access the digital archives of 80 Finnish magazines from any personal mobile device. Archives include one year's previous issues.

Choose from the links below according to your device (Android or Apple) and download the E-kirjasto (E-library) app to access the archive:

Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store

Finnish magazines digital archive: on-site access

Every issue of over 20 Finnish magazines from the last year.

You can read magazines on library computers or by using the library wireless network.

Finnish newspapers

Every issue of over 200 Finnish newspapers from the last year.

You can read newspapers on library computers or by using the library wireless network.

Foreign newspapers and magazines

Includes over 7 000 newspapers and magazines from 120 countries in more than 60 languages.

You need your library card number and PIN code to read newspapers and magazines.


Streaming films

You can watch six films per month for free on Cineast.

The film collection is updated regularly.

You need your library card number and PIN code to watch the films.

Streaming music

Classical, jazz and world music.

You need your library card number and PIN code to listen to the music.

Audiobooks for people with reading impairments

Celia audiobooks can be used by people who have difficulty reading printed text due to reading disabilities, health conditions, or any other reasons.

You can join Celia at the library.

More information about audiobooks on the Celia website